12 ounces Yellow Potatoes
2 TBSP Spicy Horseradish Paste
2 TBSP Mayonnaise
Salt, Pepper and Olive Oil
Wah and dry potatoes. Slice into 1⁄4 inch rounds. In a covered bowl, add potatoes, generously drizzle oil oil over the top, salt and pepper. Cover and shake until incorporated.
Air fryer – Preheat your Ninja Foodie on Air Crisp at 390 degrees for 5 minutes. Poor and scatter potatoes on air crisp platform. Cook for 15 – 20 minutes until brown and tender.
Oven – Recommended for more than 2 servings Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Add potatoes to cookie sheet without overlapping and bake for 15 – 20 minutes until browned and tender.
In a small bowl combine mayonnaise and half the horseradish, add more to taste.
When served, drizzle horseradish mayo on potatoes.