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Peanut Butter Marshmallow Crackers


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Recipes Snacks

After School Snack – Peanut Butter Marshmallow

By on November 22, 2015

I remember as a young girl getting off the bus and running home on days my daddy was off work I couldn’t wait to get home.

Daddy would always have a little snack ready for me when I got there, fresh out of the oven. Not the healthiest thing in…

About Richelle

If there is such a thing as “hippy geek” I would fit in that category. I am an animal lover, love my family, tolerate people, and have loads of fun with my best friend and husband. As 40 something empty nesters we are focused on work and play. This is our little place to share our hopes, dreams, as well as express who we are. Come on in grab a bean bag chair and enjoy yourself!